Somers Point Historic Preservation Commission Meeting
April 9 @ 7:00 pm
The Somers Point Historic Preservation Commission was established by the City Council of Somers Point through Ordinance 20, 1992. It generally consists of nine members – 7 regular members and 2 alternates who are appointed January of each year by the Mayor of Somers Point. The Commission is an advisory board to the Planning and Zoning Boards.
All meetings held are open to the public and are subject to the Open Public Meetings Act. Meeting dates can be found below by clicking the link and agendas are available to the public a week prior to each meeting. Minutes of each meeting are on file at the City Clerk’s Office and are also available to the public upon request.
The Historic Preservation Commission generally meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month in City Hall starting at 7:00pm.
Contact: Donna Mohr
Email: donnajmohr@comcast.net
E-mail your request to mailto: EDAC@visitsomerspoint.com.